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イベント名 Biohybrid active matter-how amoeboid cells actuate passive micro-cargo
イベント種類 セミナー
講演者(講師) Carsten Beta 氏(Institut für Physik und Astronomie, Universität Potsdam、金沢大学ナノLSI・教授)
イベント詳細 Cell-driven micro-transport – the movement of micron-sized cargo particles by motile cells
– is one of the most prominent applications in the emerging field of biohybrid systems. Here,
we demonstrate that motile amoeboid cells can act as efficient and versatile transport agents,
relying on chemotactic and collective locomotion. The motile properties of the carrier cells
result from mechanical interactions with the passive cargo particles and reveal an optimal
cargo size that enhances the locomotion of the load-carrying cells, even exceeding their
motility in the absence of cargo. Our experimental findings are discussed in terms of an active
particle model that provides an estimate of the long-time transport coefficients. We also
consider the collective transport of micro-cargo by many amoeboid cells, revealing
non-Gaussian displacement statistics that originates from heterogeneities in the actuation of
the cargo particles. Finally, we estimate transport forces under different environmental
conditions, aiming at an overall understanding of this novel type of composite active matter.
対象 教職員向け 在学生向け
使用言語 英語
開催期間 2024年10月4日 14:50 〜 16:20
定員 なし
申込み方法 事前申込み不要
物理学部門 物性理論研究室 多羅間 充輔
関連ファイル 第4回特別講義談話会.pdf
