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イベント名 第5回物理学教室談話会
Odd elastohydrodynamics: a novel description of active materials and swimming patterns in a viscous fluid
イベント種類 講演会
講演者(講師) Dr. Clément Moreau (RIMS, Kyoto University)
イベント詳細 Swimming in a fluid results in an interplay between elasticity, hydrodynamic interaction and internal activity.
While the first two ingredients of this cocktail undoubtedly follow well-known physical principles, fundamental laws for its last component — the key to understanding living matter such as micro-swimmers and collective behaviour of active matter — are yet to be fully understood.
Recently, the concept of odd elasticity has been proposed to progress in this direction and describe the characteristic non-reciprocal interactions within active matter. In this talk, I will present our recent work which develops a new framework for micro-swimming dynamics based on an odd-elastic description of active interactions.
After a general introduction to odd elasticity and flagellar swimming modelling, I will go through the different building blocks of the odd-elastohydrodynamic theory, which notably relies on a canonical description of periodic swimming with a Hopf bifurcation, and leads to defining the new concept of odd elastic modulus, effectively measuring non-local and non-reciprocal interactions within the swimmer. I will discuss its physical interpretation and provide some practical examples, before concluding with applications to experimental data on spermatozoon flagella.
This work was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Kenta Ishimoto and Dr. Kento Yasuda.
対象 教職員向け 在学生向け
使用言語 英語
開催期間 2023年11月6日 14:50 〜 16:20
定員 なし
申込み方法 事前申込み不要
理学研究院物理学部門・多羅間 充輔
