大学院理学府 物理学専攻 博士後期課程 3 年の齊藤 圭太さんが The 10th Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference で「The OMC Best Student Award」を受賞しました。この賞は、OPTICS & PHOTONICS International Congress (OPIC) 2023 内の専門会議 The 10th Optical Manipulation and Structured Materials Conference (OMC 2023) において優れた会議録 (proceedings) を投稿した学生に与えられるものです。
齊藤 圭太 (大学院理学府 物理学専攻 博士後期課程 3 年)
Slipping liquid crystal rotator in viscous fluids
Micro-scaled flow plays an important role in a wide range of fields including microfluidic devices and microbiological systems. Although these systems are frequently placed in viscous or complex fluids, micro-scaled flow in complex fluids have not been studied much compared to that in a simple liquid. In this study, we experimentally studied flow field induced by an optical driven nematic liquid crystal (NLC) droplet in an aqueous glycerol solution. In a viscous fluid, slip at the surface of the droplet was observed. Due to the slip, the magnitude of flow velocity induced by the rotating droplet becomes smaller than that in water. As an application of the rotating NLC droplet, we used it for micro-viscometry. This technique leads to further investigation for local viscosity in soft matter.